
Set against the backdrop of the Jamnagar Helicopter crash on 30 August 2012, where two helicopters of the Indian Air Force had a mid-air collision, this story is a reality fiction, loosely based on the true story of an Air Warrior from the Indian Air Force. Narrated through the silent echo of the sorrowful heart of one the shattered families, their pain is best expressed as silent streams of tears flowing noiselessly down a pair of eyes that have intensely loved and sadly lost. Sometimes, when the heart weeps, there is only language that it understands…..Silence.

Type: Print Book and E-Book

Genre: Contemporary Reality Fiction, Romance

Language: English

ISBN: 9781514348345

Publisher: CreateSpace / Pothi

Number of Pages: 190

Dimensions: 5 inch x 8 inch

People say opposites attract. However, when Fire and Ice come together, fireworks are bound to happen. And if both are from the Indian Air Force, it resembles nothing less than an aerial combat.But Love knows no battlefield.

Type: Print Book and E-Book

Genre: Contemporary Reality Fiction, Romance

Language: English

ISBN: 9781945919053

Publisher: Create Space / Pothi

Number of Pages: 208

Dimensions: 5 inch x 8 inch

This story is about Hedgy, a naughty little hedgehog. He keeps getting into trouble !

Type: Print Book and E-Book

Genre: Children, Literature & Fiction

Language: English

Publisher: Storybird

Number of Pages: 24

Dimensions: 5 inch x 7 inch

Storybird Stories

StoryWeaver Stories